Special Occasions
Special Occasions
Radio shares are based on AQH. AQH is composed of cume and Time Spent Listening (or AWTE). Gaining cume is hard and expensive. Increasing TSL can be a matter of manipulation.
One way to look for occasion opportunities is to track how often your cume tunes into each day part. The chart below is from our Instant Answer report. It shows what percentage of your target demo tunes into each day part.
There are two ways to view this:
- What does your trend look like? What is your “usual” range?
- How do your percentages stack up with the norms we have seen for successful stations?
These are questions best answered on an individual basis. However, one bit of advice we can offer is to look at your tune-in patterns and drive listeners from the more listened day parts to those lesser traveled.
If you would like a free demo of our Instant Answer report, just fill in the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!