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Who Has What or Whom?

Who Has What or Whom?

The radio ratings war is really just a series of connected skirmishes. Your station is not fighting with EVERY other station for share. You’re really fighting in a limited circle – a format grouping, if you will.

This grouping can be based on music styles or demos and can be limited to one direct competitor or several. This is important because when your ratings go up (or down) it is instructive to know why.

Did you go up while one of your competitors tanked (or vice versa)? Or, did the market’s appetite for your particular flavor of radio expand (or wane)?

One way to find out is to use our Format Tracker. This breaks down the entire survey by every conceivable demo cell and shows how your format group is performing as a whole and how well your station is doing within that “universe”.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. With a simple click you can see a whole range of data – all spread out on a trend line.

Format TSL, market TSL, demo in-tab, weekly and daily cume and too much more to outline in this space.

We would be happy to show you how valuable this tool is when evaluating your station’s performance. This one is a zero sum as the initial demo/consultation is free.

Just fill out the form below…

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