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Posts in "Hot Topics"

Morning Drive Radio – What the Cool Kids Are Doing Right

July 26, 2012

Filed Under: Hot Topics

At last month’s Morning Show Boot Camp, Arbitron presented a benchmark study on the top 25 successful morning shows according to PPM. You can see the full presentation here but we thought there were a few points worthy of your attention.

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Finding an Impactful Sales Story for Every Prospect

July 19, 2012

Filed Under: Hot Topics

Media buyers can be divided into two groups: Those who want to make quality buys at the lowest cost per point.  And, those who want to buy at the lowest cost per point.  It is our hope that making a quality buy should always be the buyer’s goal.

You have just received a Request for Proposal (RFP).  So now where do you start?  How are you going to show the value of your station(s) and have it/them stand above the rest?

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Radio: Alive and Kicking in 2012

June 28, 2012

Filed Under: Hot Topics

Charlie Sislen, President of Research Director, Inc., recently spoke at the annual conference of the New Jersey Broadcasters Association.  His presentation was entitled “Radio: Alive and Kicking,” and was a review of the present state of radio listening in the United States.

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Some Impressive “Power of Radio” Stories from Arbitron

June 19, 2012

Filed Under: Hot Topics

We have been impressed with the variety of impactful new sales materials that Arbitron has been adding to its website, demonstrating the power of radio.  Have you seen these and added them to your arsenal of pro-radio stories?

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Radio Connects with “Green” Consumers

June 3, 2012

Filed Under: Hot Topics

These days, an environmentally-conscious mentality has become the trend.  This is a great opportunity for Radio, as our industry has been challenged to help our advertisers connect with the eco-friendly consumer, and to highlight radio’s tremendous ability to reach these individuals.

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