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TLR – Yes or No?

July 21, 2020

A recent story posted by Inside Radio talked about the rise in streaming use for terrestrial radio caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a trend that will likely continue as we begin our return to “normal.”

Now would be a good time to discuss Total Line Reporting (TLR) for radio stations. For those who are unaware, TLR means a station’s over-the-air and on-line content are identical. Usually, that means the same commercials run on both platforms.

We believe all stations should TLR. We will tell you why but first some realities.

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Do You Know Who Is Carrying A Meter?

July 14, 2020

In June, Nielsen released valuable information on the characteristics of its meter keepers. This goes well beyond age, race, and geography, which we at Research Director, Inc. routinely track.

These are household questions that are asked when the meter is placed in the household. Again, none of these are individual questions, but reflect the entire household.

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Radio Listening Is Rebounding

July 10, 2020

The final PPM June books were just released. In coordination with XTrends, Research Director, Inc. has analyzed market listening in 47 of the 48 PPM markets and the results are encouraging for the radio industry.

While radio listening declined as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic shutdown, it has rebounded and is approaching pre-COVID-19 levels.

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Is the Digital Boycott a Radio Opportunity?

July 7, 2020

And the hits just keep on comin’ …

As of this writing, over 350 companies have “paused” their social media campaigns. This does not mean they are halting all of their digital spend. This is being done to get Facebook’s attention about the proliferation of mis-information and hate speech on its platforms.

Companies like Ford, Best Buy, Coca-Cola, and Target are willing to take a stand – and potentially sacrifice sales – in order to change how Facebook, as a digital ecosystem, operates. While Facebook is in no danger of going out of business any time soon, this amount of revenue loss will certainly get its attention.

Is this an opportunity for radio?

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IBA – Its Time has Come

June 29, 2020

Recently, Ron Stone, president of Adams Radio Group, formed a new organization, Independent Broadcasters Association (IBA). While still in the formulation state, the launch of IBA should occur in the near future. I had the privilege of talking with Ron about the IBA.

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