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Guess Who’s Coming Out to Play

March 21, 2018

You know that little green thing with the three lines in it? You know … the one that looks like a Wi-Fi symbol and randomly transmits sounds and blessings through your ear canals. Something you probably didn’t notice until reading this article. Well, unless you’ve lived under a rock the last few years, that little green thing is called Spotify. As we ponder that description, Spotify is currently delivering musical content to over 140 million subscribers.

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What Broadcasters Can Learn From CVS

March 14, 2018

Just a few years back, CVS was your typical drug store selling cigarettes, toys, snacks, and health care goods with a pharmacy in the back. The pharmacy was always located in the back, so as you were picking up your prescription, you might also buy other items in the aisles that you walked past.

Over the past few years, CVS has evolved into something very different. While still selling many of the items it sold before, it transformed itself to focus more on consumer health.

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Data to Help You Win in the Midterm Elections

February 16, 2018

The predictions of tremendous ad expenditure for the 2018 mid-term elections are already coming in. There are presently 468 congressional seats (33 Senate and 435 House) up in November. There will also be 36 gubernatorial elections. This number may go up, as more elected officials may announce their retirement. Both parties are fielding numerous candidates for each seat.

Lots of contested elections with numerous candidates make for a great opportunity, as money is needed to get their message out and differentiate themselves from the pack. However, broadcasters need a precise and focused strategy to get their unfair share of the pot of money. It is time to be proactive and not just take what comes over the transom.

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A Professional New Year’s Resolution

January 19, 2018

Go to the gym. Choose to eat right. Spend more quality time with those closest to you. With the arrival of 2018 indefinitely comes the stack of the usual improvements that we would like to make in our personal lives. However, a clean slate is also an opportunity to evaluate and implement best business practices for your company.

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Amazon Loves Radio

January 5, 2018

According to Media Monitors the leading national spot buyer for the second week of December was Amazon.

Think about that for a moment. Amazon – the leading on-line retailer that is firmly entrenched in the digital space chose traditional media to promote their business. Yes, they are doing television, as well, but radio? Isn’t radio “dead”? From all that we read it is an anachronistic medium.

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