June 16, 2017
Despite the fact that over the past 12+ years I have supported sales people by mining data to provide materials that help put a station’s best foot forward, overcome advertisers’ objections, and ultimately assist them in winning business, I am not a sales person.
There are those who will debate this, insisting that everyone, in every business, no matter what their title, is in fact a sales person. The idea being that your attitude, customer service, quality of work, etc. all play a part in “selling” your business. And, while this may be a topic for another blog, that’s not my intent for today.
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June 2, 2017
I’m a woman with a four-year college degree, a respectable income, investments, and a child (who attends private school). I own a pet, two cars, my own home, which I have refinanced before. I have loans, I travel (both domestically and internationally), I volunteer, I attend church, I donate money to various organizations, I have between 6 to 10 credit cards with interest rates in very respectable ranges, and all three of my reported credit scores are above 720. Oh, and did I mention that I’m black/African American?
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May 19, 2017
You knew that our world had changed when the term “Alternative Truth” became part of our lexicon. While everyone can have opinions, there is only one truth.
No, this is not a political debate, or an argument on the merits of our current federal government. This has to do with the marketplace perception that radio is dead. Okay, dead might be overly dramatic, but many believe that radio listening is eroding.
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May 9, 2017
At the recent All Access Worldwide Radio Summit, Nielsen displayed the latest devices that will capture participants’ radio listening. Unlike the present PPM device, in my personal opinion, this new device is a game changer. So what is so special about these new PPM devices?
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May 5, 2017
It’s certainly no secret that the type of music you listen to can and does affect your mood. Feeling angry and confused? Maybe you’ll listen to Come As You Are by Nirvana. In a good mood and feeling a little defiant and cheeky? Perhaps it’s time for Beyoncé’s Put A Ring On It. And for me, after a particularly nasty break-up when I was in my mid-20s, I turned to Wasted Time by the Eagles, hoping I might find some comfort and clarity after the 430th repetition.
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