September 8, 2016
The heart and soul of the radio industry is sales. As a sales executive, one of your primary responsibilities is to bring in new business. To be successful in bringing in new business, you have to do your research and prospecting is where it all begins. The activity of prospecting is a way of researching what potential businesses are out there that would be a perfect fit for your station to target in order to reach the advertiser’s consumer base. Let’s face it – It’s hard to sell something if you don’t have a prospect to talk to.
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August 23, 2016
Recently Mark Ramsey penned a couple blogs suggesting that more broadcasters drop Nielsen and spend that money improving their products. To be sure, taking shots at Nielsen (and Arbitron) has been a radio blood sport for years. And, I am not here to be a Nielsen apologist or defender. We can all agree that a larger sample size would be a step in the right direction. (Side note: Have you compared your market’s radio sample size with that of the TV survey? You might be shocked.)
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August 11, 2016
It’s nice to change our focus for a while from the murky waters of the current political election cycle to the, ahem, murky waters that face the Olympic athletes in Rio de Janeiro. But hopefully, radio stations across the country – particularly those with a sports format – geared up for their share of the gold in terms of ad dollars.
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July 28, 2016
Society today seems to be centered around one generation, Millennials. Because of the internet, Millennials have more power than any generation before them. Without ever leaving the house, they can dictate trends, consume media, make their voice heard around the world, and even create media. Whether or not Millennials are actually making a difference, society thinks they have the capability to and thus they are the demographic everyone wants to reach. And the way to reach this generation? Social media.
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July 12, 2016
One thing that remains true to this day is the power Radio can have when present and engaged in what is occurring in and around our communities. With the recent tragic events taking place across our country, whether human or weather-related, the people need to hear from their local officials, police chiefs, community leaders, RADIO PERSONALITIES, etc. Listeners also need to hear from those directly affected so their stories can be heard and understood. This open dialogue, when done with respect, integrity, and compassion, can lead to a better understanding. It can also hopefully lead to what one can do as a concerned community resident. That can range from how can I help those in need, how can we hold those accountable, where am I going to get clean water, how can I get help for my displaced family, to how can I keep my children/family safe.
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