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Reaching the Millennial Country Radio Audience

December 17, 2015

It is well-known that marketers look to the habits of the youngest consumers to anticipate future trends. In Country Radio, this means the development of rich social networking and mobile marketing strategies among younger listeners, who are driving its growth.

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Can AARP Save Your Station?

December 3, 2015

We have heard it hundreds of times, from both sales managers and program directors; I will trade all of my 55+ listeners for just one Adult 25-54. As crazy as that sounds, everyone in radio knows why this is. Once a consumer turns 55, their value to advertisers plummets. A couple years ago I talked about my personal issue with the incredibly discounted value advertisers attribute to Adults 55+.

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U.S. Holiday 2015 Forecast: Things Are Looking Up for the Holidays and This Is an Opportunity for RADIO Advertising to SHINE!

November 12, 2015

Radio and retailers: Get ready to celebrate a very happy holiday season! The 2015 holiday spending forecast is out, and it is predicted that spending levels will be at the highest they’ve been in the past 14 years. A recent report shows that holiday spending in the U.S. will increase by three to four percent, as sales figures are expected to increase from $608 billion in 2014 to somewhere between $626 and $633 billion in 2015. While this growth may be a little lower than what was recorded last year, it is still well within the range of the growth rates recorded each year since 2012.

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Radio and Political Spending in 2016: Getting What We Deserve

November 3, 2015

It’s no secret that the radio industry is ready to rake in some extra cash as political advertising takes center stage. In fact, a projected $11.38 billion dollars will be spent on political advertising in 2016. Staying true to our commitment to the industry, we want to help you win.

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Radio Is America’s #1 Mobile Mass Reach Medium

October 29, 2015

I figure I might as well lead with a headline that speaks for itself. It is true. Radio continues to be America’s #1 mobile mass reach medium.

However, let me not fool myself into thinking that one bold statement (in italics too) would be enough. As a radio research geek, I know that many people respond best to a visual representation of data. So I will keep this straightforward and simple in order for the message to be clear.

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