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The Power of (a) Personality

August 27, 2015

On November 1, 2013 at 9:30am, radio listening habits were drastically altered. Having just wrapped things up with our October PPM clients, I tuned in to “Mike and Mike in the Morning” on ESPN radio. As I passively listened to the show, a specific topic caught my interest. So, I decided to write a joke concerning the topic. Minutes later, Mike Greenberg read my comment on air and the studio broke out in laughter.

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Podcasts and Streaming Changes the Game for ESPN Radio

August 13, 2015

According to Insideradio, ESPN Radio Network’s streaming attracted 2.5 billion total listening minutes in the second quarter, thus representing an increase of 31% over the last year. ESPN Senior Director for Digital Audio Strategy, Patrick Polking, attributes the positive growth to the increased presence of streaming services and podcasts throughout the internet, which concurrently helps drive listeners to ESPN’s streams. As he puts it, “more visibility for streaming lifts all boats.”

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To Voltair or not to Voltair, that is the question!

July 30, 2015

In 1981, Charlie Sislen was working at WWDC-FM, and his program director gave him the best insight ever. She said, “I don’t care how many people are listening to my radio station, all I care about is how many diarykeepers think they are listening to my station.” Program Directors have always strived to game the system to increase ratings without breaking the rules.

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Is Your Ad Fast Enough on the Draw?

July 30, 2015

A recent study showed that the human attention span lasts a mere 8.25 seconds. Only 8.25 seconds in 2015? Absolutely, a large drop compared to 2000 when the average human attention span was 12 seconds. That means that a human being’s attention span is now less than a goldfish’s attention span (which is 9 seconds). So does your advertisement on the radio have the vigor to give a roundhouse kick to someone’s attention span? (Source: www.statisticbrain.com/attention-span-statistics)

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How Important Is Reach and Frequency? Just Ask Pandora

July 16, 2015

There are numerous elements to radio sales. Much of it comes down to the quality of the schedule. What is a quality schedule? The first element is delivery and pricing. That means GRPs and CPP – how many rating points you are going to deliver and at what cost. However, a thorough schedule evaluation does not stop there. For advertising to work, a proper balance of reach and frequency must be achieved.

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