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Sell More Radio without Wasting Your Precious Time

October 31, 2013

Let’s face the facts; we would all like to be more successful in our sales careers. Regardless of what our hurdles may be, we can probably agree that we crave more time for our sales efforts. After all, the more time we spend contacting prospects, the more likely we are to get a sale (to use a common sports analogy, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”).

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Selling Features AND Benefits

October 24, 2013

A good sales person knows the features of their product or service like the back of their hand. They can paint a picture of their company for the customer that makes them sound as grand as the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. But does the customer want to buy the features of a company? No. They want to know what’s in it for them.

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The Digital Dash – How Big a Threat?

October 17, 2013

Much has been discussed about the digital dashboard that is now appearing in many new cars. Several industry experts have made statements that have been misinterpreted that the radio will disappear from the car dash. While there are no plans for this to happen, radio’s monopoly on the dashboard is eroding. How we, as broadcasters, react to this competitive threat is important.

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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

October 10, 2013

Sleigh Bells Ring

Can you hear it? Shhhh … listen. Ring a ling a ling … hear the bells?  That’s the sound of the Program Director chomping at the bit to start playing Christmas music NOW if they could.  But, stop it, you overzealous musical powers that be. We’ve barely packed away our bathing suits. (♪♪ hmmm … hmmm … Margaritaville … ♪ ♪)

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Obamacare … Why Do We Care?

October 3, 2013

Radio cares because of one word … OPPORTUNITY!  The Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, will bring a number of different opportunities to radio’s door.

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