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Branding Yourself for Success in Radio Sales

September 1, 2022

What makes you stand out as a radio seller? What characteristics and qualities make you unique? How are you different from other radio sellers in your market?

Let’s be honest … it can be very tough to close business these days (though it’s improving). What are you doing that makes a difference in whether or not you get the sale? The Ratings Experts have some ideas for you.

How can you improve your chances of closing a sale? Recently, we discussed skillsets that can contribute to radio selling success Now let’s focus on characteristics and qualities that create your BRAND. Here are some basic ways you can brand yourself for radio selling success.

  • Honesty and integrity. Golden Rule – NEVER lie to a client.
  • Have a high standard for customer service. Resolve issues quickly and professionally.
  • Go above and beyond. What are you willing to do/not do for their business?
  • Be authentic. Be yourself and show that you care about their business.
  • Know your product (your station). Define your listeners by socioeconomic and lifestyle characteristics, as well as by future buying behavior.
  • Know your competition. Not just other radio stations, but other media. What are the benefits and limitations of each one?
  • Know basic advertising concepts. Apply Reach and Frequency concepts as well as campaign length to achieve the advertiser’s goals.
  • Follow-up and follow-through. Many sales are lost because there wasn’t any follow-up.
  • Do what you say you will do. This builds credibility and a good reputation.

How do you think your clients (and prospects) describe you? Do they like doing business with you? Can you answer these questions? If not, then consider asking a few of them. You might be surprised at their responses. This will give you some direction for the aspects of success that might need some work. Be on a journey to be the best version of YOU … and watch your sales soar!

Reach out to us here for additional help.

-Karen Morriss, Director of Client Services
