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Hot Topics

Hot Topics


December 30, 2024

Welcome back to the extended play version of the RRR. The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – with a significant contribution from the data diviners from XTRENDS – are here to wrap up the DECEMBER survey. While the first three rounds revealed the usual avalanche of audience augmentation for those stations who changed their formats, this final take is just chock full of surprises. One could say that several markets were delivered lumps of coal.

This survey ran from NOVEMBER 7TH through DECEMBER 4TH. Besides the holiday hijinks, there was the hallowed three-day weekend devoted to our Veterans along with the uniquely American bacchanalian feast of THANKSGIVING. Let’s all go for one more sleigh ride …

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December 27, 2024

Now that CHRISTMAS is officially in the rearview mirror, can we have a frank conversation about privacy? In an age where every company – and many governments – watch our every key stroke, why is it that we gleefully sing about some foreign agent who can “see you when you’re sleeping and know when you’re awake.” Isn’t that Fitbit’s job? And who is he to judge whether we’ve been naughty or nice? When you peel back the wrapping paper, it does seem a bit creepy, no?

The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with the parsers of data from XTRENDS – are back with round three of the DECEMBER survey. This one really boils down to how much MARIAH CAREY affected the ratings. The book ran from NOVEMBER 7TH through DECEMBER 4TH. There was a weekend where we honored those who served and a long weekend where we were served heaping platefuls of grub. Here’s how it went:

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December 26, 2024

Welcome back. As you recover from the chaos and cacophony of the holiday rush, you can be comforted by the fact that the tintinnabulation of the bells will no longer compete with your tinnitus. (Anyone who has worn headphones for a living will understand that one.)

The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – being augmented and abetted by the numbers merchants from XTRENDS – are back with the delayed second edition of the DECEMBER roundup. Yes, as you would expect, this one has the foul taint of BURL IVES permeating the airwaves. The survey ran from NOVEMBER 7TH through DECEMBER 4TH. Besides the ring-dingling madness, the book featured a three-day weekend and the disruption known as THANKSGIVING.

Here we go…

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RADIO RATINGS ROUNDUP, December 2024, Part I

December 23, 2024

And so it begins. The DECEMBER survey has been unleashed, and it’s marred by the annual release of the scourge of Scrooge upon a fully suspecting populace. Beginning early in this time frame – which ran from NOVEMBER 7TH through DECEMBER 4TH – almost every single stinkin’ market had that one station that decided to play DEAN MARTIN records. As we shall see, the results will speak for themselves … though it must be said that The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – with a healthy assist from the playmakers at XTRENDS – will provide our own snide remarks in a hope to liven up the festivities. Besides the inception of Santa’s reign, DECEMBER also featured a three-day weekend and the ritual stuffing of the turkey.

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Best of Hot Topics: Does Christmas Mean Gifts for Everyone?

December 19, 2024

We’re back with the final best of Hot Topics before the kids rush down the stairs to tear open presents and stockings. This week we go all the way back to 2012, *echoes* … 12 … 12 … 12.

Christmas music has been playing for weeks now. Christmas music has been playing for weeks now. For some stations, switching to an “All Christmas” format is a definite gift. Those gifts will come in the form of larger cumes and increased listening, which results in larger average quarter hour (AQH).

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