November 24, 2020
After the 2016 election, many asked, “What is wrong with polling?” All the polls showed that nationally, Hillary Clinton had a commanding lead over Donald Trump. However, when the results of the Electoral College were tabulated, Donald Trump was elected the next president. Many thought this was a one-time aberration. However, in 2020, the polling predicted a landslide by Joe Biden. While Biden did receive over five million more votes than Trump, many states appeared to be razor thin. Most notably, Wisconsin was much closer than any poll showed.
What can we as broadcasters learn from this? Polling is not an exact science.
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November 19, 2020
Let’s be real – marketing dollars are as scarce as they’ve ever been. Radio needs to market as efficiently and effectively as possible in order to maximize results
One way to do this is to zero in on the zip codes that affect your ratings the most.
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November 10, 2020
There seems to be a real split of opinions with Nielsen’s latest announcement on removing non-subscribers for some of their data sets (Subscriber First Reporting Policy). Please be aware that this will mostly affect the systems that advertising agencies use to select and price radio station schedules. Many of the tools that radio stations use, such as Tapscan, will still include these non-subscribers.
So, what do you need to know to prepare for this switch?
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October 29, 2020
Starting with the October PPM report, Nielsen Audio began applying modeling to help more accurately account for listening that is being done via headphones, but not being captured by the PPM device. While this modification is a positive move in getting closer to capturing all radio listening, there are definite winners and losers.
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October 26, 2020
Every year, Nielsen Audio updates the population estimates for all of their markets. These new population estimates will be seen in PPM markets with the October survey, diary CDM markets with the October (August-October) survey, and diary 2-book markets with the Fall survey.
Why are changes in your market’s population estimates important?
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