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Radio Is Ready to Go

June 9, 2020

As markets start to slowly reopen, a recent Nielsen study shows that radio is a strong choice of those who are characterized as “ready to go.” Nearly one-third of the sample, conducted April 30 through May 2, were classified as “ready to go” – planning to return to commerce faster than the balance of the sample. Over 80% of this group strongly agreed or somewhat agreed that they will resume most normal activities in the next month. When compared to the other two groups:

  • 34% of those characterized as “proceed with caution” agreed with this statement
  • 5% of those characterized as “wait and see” agreed with this statement

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Growing Forward: Research Director, Inc.’s Recovery Toolbox

June 1, 2020

Most of the messages we’re receiving about COVID-19 focus on what’s happened in the past and what’s happening right now. Research Director, Inc. has compiled a recovery toolbox that will help radio take steps to increase revenue into the future as we begin to approach a “new normal.”

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Keeping the Customer Satisfied

May 29, 2020

To say that “times they are a-changin” would be the grossest understatement of the last 20 years. Even before the pandemic-inspired shutdown strangled our economy, business as usual had been disrupted. Likely forever.

What the pandemic has probably accelerated is the dramatic rise in online shopping. While Amazon certainly created the category, we have reached a point where anything you want can be delivered to your front door.

This does have dramatic implications for radio. And it all comes down to a quaint term – customer service.

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Nielsen as a Currency Post-COVID-19

May 18, 2020

Clearly the COVID-19 crisis has changed people’s lifestyles and therefore their radio listening. In coordination with Cornerstone Research (XTrends), Research Director, Inc. has been tracking changes in radio listening in PPM markets. The shift in listening has been incredible.

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What are you?

May 15, 2020

Former Arizona Cardinals coach Dennis Green once uttered one of the classic sports quotes: “They are what we thought they were …” In the era of coronavirus-impacted listening, this applies to just about every radio station.

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