March 26, 2020
I often hear people say, “Boy, has my industry changed.” To that I reply, “Tell me an industry that hasn’t changed.” COVID-19 has taken the changes we might have lamented recently and made them seem mild. We are going through an economic change that none could have foreseen just a few months ago.
So how do you handle the uncertainty that has gripped our industry and our economy? Most importantly, how do you deal with your clients who are paralyzed with fear? In my opinion, the best way is to look 90 years into the past – The Great Depression.
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March 24, 2020
This is a difficult time on so many levels. We are dealing with a great deal of change and uncertainty. It can help, however, to continue as many “normal” activities as possible. For some people reading this, one of your normal activities is selling radio. No doubt that has become more challenging than ever. But there are businesses and organizations out there that need to get their messages out – not only to keep their revenue flowing, but also to provide crucial services and communicate vital information to the community. So let’s discuss some of the verticals that are strong prospecting opportunities right now.
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March 19, 2020
These are uncertain times. Nearly every aspect of our lives is changing due to the spread of COVID-19. Research Director, Inc. strives to help our clients and the radio industry at large weather this storm by gathering the strongest and most informative data and opinions available.
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March 17, 2020
It may be an understatement to say that we are living in unusual times. Every American’s life has been disrupted and there is a real concern for what will happen next.
While it may seem minor compared to other events that are pressing right now, this is a time when radio, especially local radio, excels. It is important for everyone to realize that this is not business as usual, and our industry’s ability to adapt is the secret of our long-term success.
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March 3, 2020
Okay, I may be old-fashioned. However, I consider that a positive. Yes, I do use e-mail, conduct webinars, use social media, and text. However, I have the strong conviction, as inconvenient as it may be, that nothing replaces face-to-face human interaction.
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