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Is Play-by-Play Still Worth It?

February 25, 2020

The Oakland Athletics just announced that they could not find a radio broadcast partner so their games will only be available digitally through TuneIn. This is a sign of the change in the recognized value of play-by-play sports on the radio.

When I started in this industry (okay it was 40 years ago), few things were as valuable to a radio station as play-by-play baseball. That was 162 games (approximately 486 hours) of programming that attracted tremendous audiences. A lot has transpired in those four decades, and it makes me think that play-by-play (even baseball) does not have the ratings or revenue value that it once did.

Why is this?

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What Is Going on with PUMMs and Why Should You Worry?

February 18, 2020

If Nielsen is truth, which many advertisers claim, then those same advertisers can use market listening levels (known as PUMM in PPM markets) against radio stations. In many markets, Nielsen is reporting that PUMMs are falling. Advertisers could conclude that this means fewer people are tuning to radio.

Previous blogs have documented that radio’s reach is as strong as it has always been. So what is the truth?

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The Power of Christmas Radio

February 4, 2020

By now you’ve probably read the article in Inside Radio concerning the recently released Holiday survey.

The article provides some interesting insight. Specifically, how Christmas music drives P1 listening. People come to these stations – in droves – and make it their “favorite,” if only for a while.

The question is – how do we harness this enormous listener passion?

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No Es Política Como Siempre (It’s Not Politics As Usual)

January 28, 2020

You may have noticed that it’s election season (really, when ISN’T it election season?).

For every media platform, that means a potential influx of additional revenue. Everyone is looking for an angle to unlock their unfair share of that stream. Here is another potential “key.”

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Think Local

January 21, 2020

In a previous blog post, I waxed on about how living in a small college town has changed my perceptions of radio usage. Our medium has long touted itself as being local, focusing on its community and the ability to deliver people to advertisers. At face value this is true. But is local radio practicing what the industry preaches?

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