November 20, 2014
Yes, we still better care. Radio still has major opportunity. Each year brings new opportunity mainly because every year brings open enrollment. With this second enrollment quickly approaching, the goal is for 13 million U.S. residents to have coverage at the end of the second enrollment period.
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November 13, 2014
According to a recent Holiday sales forecast, the minority consumer will take the lead in Holiday 2014 spending. With the economy on the road to recovery, minority consumers will increase their holiday purchases more than the general population this year, and will be the key to enhanced seasonal spending.
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November 6, 2014
When the idea of product placement comes to mind, we often think of television or the movies. Perhaps we picture the massive red Coca-Cola glasses conveniently placed in front of each judge on American Idol, or the famous ‘Junior Mints’ episode of Seinfeld. Whatever it may be, the value of product placement, endorsed or not, is flooding the media scene, and it’s not limited to video.
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October 23, 2014
A recently published study by Nielsen, in partnership with ESSENCE, reminds us why it is crucial to ask the often overlooked advertising question: Is this culturally relevant?
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October 9, 2014
Picture this. You’re on your way home from work. Or you’re taking your child to soccer practice. Or you got a HAWT date. And, life is great until you enter your car and you hear “that sound.”
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