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The Radio Advantage: Proximity to Point of Purchase

February 20, 2014

Timing is everything. We’ve heard this expression many times, but have you used it lately to your advantage in the radio sales arena? Its relevance to the power of radio is something that carries great worth, and needs to be emphasized throughout our industry.

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The Radio Advantage: Live, Local & Part of the Community

February 13, 2014

Old_Time_RadioOnce upon a time in a land far, far, far away radio was very unique. The theater of the mind was in full swing where radio personalities pulled out all of the bells and whistles (no literally they used bells and whistles) in order to entertain their audience. There would be dedicated family time, when all members of the household would gather around the radio to tune in to their favorite radio personality or show. Shows like Amos & Andy, Old Gold on Broadway, War of the Worlds, and The Saint to name a few.

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The Radio Advantage: Free, Convenient, and Mobile

February 6, 2014

These days, marketers seem to have an almost endless array of outlets in which to advertise. With the explosion in channels, programs, and options, it can be easy to lose sight of one of advertising’s most important elements, and that is the end users.

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The Radio Advantage: Music Discovery

January 31, 2014

Over the past couple of years, music discovery has seen some intense segmentation. There are now a hundred or more different ways you can find new music. Despite all of the new music apps and websites, radio has shown its inherent value. According to a Nielsen study, nearly half (48%) of all music consumers discover music most often though the radio. Music discovery through friends and family comes in second with only 10% and YouTube in third with 7%.

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The Radio Advantage: Informs and Educates

January 23, 2014

Radio functions as an effective medium for communication and it also plays an important role in educating the public. Radio not only helps to inform the public; it also inspires the public to want to learn more. Radio helps to shape people’s attitudes, people’s interests, and people’s opinions. Because of Radio’s ability to be with us at home, in the car, or at work, and regardless of one’s age, race, gender, the time of day, or listening location, people depend on Radio for its educational and informational content.

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