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The Vital Few (Part 1)

September 5, 2012

Ever heard of Pareto’s Principle? Also known as the 80-20 Rule, it explains the uneven distribution seen so many places in life. Speaking in generalities, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. That divides things into the “vital few” and the “trivial many.”

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TAPSCAN Web 11 Beta Available

August 30, 2012

***UPDATE – October 19, 2012: Arbitron announced that the final release of TAPSCAN Web 11 is scheduled for Saturday, October 20. This will replace the current version (TAPSCAN 10.8); however, you will still have access to your saved schedules from 10.8 and older versions. Arbitron is offering live and on-demand training for TAPSCAN Web 11 through their website to help you with this transition. Our team of experts at Research Director, Inc. would also be happy to assist you with the new software.***

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How does a personality affect station loyalty?

August 23, 2012

Many questions surround the importance of radio personalities, including “How does a personality affect station loyalty?” The answer is more complex than you might think.

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When a 0.3 Rating Is Not a 0.3 Rating

August 15, 2012

Sales and programming teams sometimes speak different languages.  The sales team wants higher ratings, while the programming team wants bigger shares.  However, ratings and shares don’t always rise and fall in sync with each other.

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How can I use duplication to my advantage?

August 9, 2012

Duplicated audience refers to the percentage of one station’s cumulative audience that also listens to another station during a specified daypart.  Simply put, duplication can be thought of as shared listeners between two stations.

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