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The More Things Change …

December 17, 2020

As any sports coach will tell you, the key to winning on a consistent basis is to master the fundamentals. Take baseball. Advanced analytics have introduced spin rate, launch angle, and WAR to the game. But, at its core, it is still about hitting the cutoff man, getting strike one, and moving the runner over.

This analogy holds true for radio, as well.

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Radio’s Political Post-Mortem

December 8, 2020

After an election, both parties, including the winning party, perform an assessment of what went right and what went wrong. What can be done better in the next election cycle? This is commonly known as an election post-mortem.

Now that the 2020 election is mostly over, our industry should also ask these questions:

  • How did we do?
  • What did we do right?
  • What could we have done better?

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Sales Training Is More Important Than Ever

December 1, 2020

A complaint I get from general managers on a very regular basis is, “I cannot find quality sales people.” Great ratings are nearly worthless unless you have the sales team to convert them into revenue. As the saying goes, “you can’t sell what you can’t cover.”

So what do you do when you cannot find experienced sales people who know how to convert data into dollars? Find good people and TRAIN THEM!!!!!!!

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Polling Is Not an Exact Science

November 24, 2020

After the 2016 election, many asked, “What is wrong with polling?” All the polls showed that nationally, Hillary Clinton had a commanding lead over Donald Trump. However, when the results of the Electoral College were tabulated, Donald Trump was elected the next president. Many thought this was a one-time aberration. However, in 2020, the polling predicted a landslide by Joe Biden. While Biden did receive over five million more votes than Trump, many states appeared to be razor thin. Most notably, Wisconsin was much closer than any poll showed.

What can we as broadcasters learn from this? Polling is not an exact science.

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Using Geo-targeting to Maximize Marketing Dollars

November 19, 2020

Let’s be real – marketing dollars are as scarce as they’ve ever been. Radio needs to market as efficiently and effectively as possible in order to maximize results

One way to do this is to zero in on the zip codes that affect your ratings the most.


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