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Radio & the Power of the Vote

May 9, 2018

According to the pre-election polls, Roy Moore should have been the next U.S. Senator from Alabama. Regardless of the scandals, public outcries, and missteps, Moore was still highly favored to win. Yet two percentage numbers changed that, and caused a ripple effect that has everyone on notice: 5 and 2.

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Making a Successful First Impression

April 25, 2018

No one is sure where the phrase began (some credit Oscar Wilde), but shampoo maker Head and Shoulders made the phrase “You never get a second chance to make a first impression” famous. The importance of this motto cannot be overstated.

Every sales rep knows that a relationship can be built or destroyed with a potential advertiser in the first few minutes of the first call. Like a first date, the first few minutes may determine the future. So what do you do to enhance the possibility of success?

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Radio and Baseball: The Perfect Marriage

March 28, 2018

It’s almost that time again! From the first crack of the bat to the smell of hot dogs and nachos at the concession stands, the boys of summer are getting ready to come home from spring training in Florida and Arizona. The gray winter sky will soon lead to warm sunbathed baseball fields and temperatures that are no longer in the single digits.

All of the radio flagships and affiliates of your favorite baseball teams are excited for a boost in ratings from fans listening on porches, in cars, or in the ballpark. Fans in the stands aren’t the only people who want their teams to do well; radio GMs, PDs, and other executives want the team that they carry to go all the way to the World Series.

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Guess Who’s Coming Out to Play

March 21, 2018

You know that little green thing with the three lines in it? You know … the one that looks like a Wi-Fi symbol and randomly transmits sounds and blessings through your ear canals. Something you probably didn’t notice until reading this article. Well, unless you’ve lived under a rock the last few years, that little green thing is called Spotify. As we ponder that description, Spotify is currently delivering musical content to over 140 million subscribers.

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What Broadcasters Can Learn From CVS

March 14, 2018

Just a few years back, CVS was your typical drug store selling cigarettes, toys, snacks, and health care goods with a pharmacy in the back. The pharmacy was always located in the back, so as you were picking up your prescription, you might also buy other items in the aisles that you walked past.

Over the past few years, CVS has evolved into something very different. While still selling many of the items it sold before, it transformed itself to focus more on consumer health.

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