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The Radio Advantage: Music Discovery

January 31, 2014

Over the past couple of years, music discovery has seen some intense segmentation. There are now a hundred or more different ways you can find new music. Despite all of the new music apps and websites, radio has shown its inherent value. According to a Nielsen study, nearly half (48%) of all music consumers discover music most often though the radio. Music discovery through friends and family comes in second with only 10% and YouTube in third with 7%.

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The Radio Advantage: Informs and Educates

January 23, 2014

Radio functions as an effective medium for communication and it also plays an important role in educating the public. Radio not only helps to inform the public; it also inspires the public to want to learn more. Radio helps to shape people’s attitudes, people’s interests, and people’s opinions. Because of Radio’s ability to be with us at home, in the car, or at work, and regardless of one’s age, race, gender, the time of day, or listening location, people depend on Radio for its educational and informational content.

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The Radio Advantage: Tremendous Reach with Great Targetability

January 16, 2014

Today we begin a six-part series highlighting the advantages of radio as an advertising medium. Our first blog discusses how radio offers both tremendous reach and amazing targetability.

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How Do Advertisers Perceive Your Station?

January 9, 2014

How does the advertising community perceive your station? Do they understand who your target audience really is? Even if advertisers’ perceptions aren’t true or fair, perception becomes reality and then becomes a potential objection that you need to address.

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Radio – A Great Way to Reach a Loyal Audience at the Right Time

December 19, 2013

Few advertising options have the advantage that radio offers – great reach to a loyal audience with close proximity to their shopping occasions. With radio, an advertiser can reach 92% of the U.S. population(1). Just as important is the fact that these consumers are typically loyal to a specific station. The goodwill that radio has with target consumers is invaluable. Audience loyalty increases frequency, which is very important to advertisers. Loyalty greatly increases the chance that their message will be heard by this continually tuned-in audience.

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