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Data to Help You Win in the Midterm Elections

February 16, 2018

The predictions of tremendous ad expenditure for the 2018 mid-term elections are already coming in. There are presently 468 congressional seats (33 Senate and 435 House) up in November. There will also be 36 gubernatorial elections. This number may go up, as more elected officials may announce their retirement. Both parties are fielding numerous candidates for each seat.

Lots of contested elections with numerous candidates make for a great opportunity, as money is needed to get their message out and differentiate themselves from the pack. However, broadcasters need a precise and focused strategy to get their unfair share of the pot of money. It is time to be proactive and not just take what comes over the transom.

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A Professional New Year’s Resolution

January 19, 2018

Go to the gym. Choose to eat right. Spend more quality time with those closest to you. With the arrival of 2018 indefinitely comes the stack of the usual improvements that we would like to make in our personal lives. However, a clean slate is also an opportunity to evaluate and implement best business practices for your company.

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Amazon Loves Radio

January 5, 2018

According to Media Monitors the leading national spot buyer for the second week of December was Amazon.

Think about that for a moment. Amazon – the leading on-line retailer that is firmly entrenched in the digital space chose traditional media to promote their business. Yes, they are doing television, as well, but radio? Isn’t radio “dead”? From all that we read it is an anachronistic medium.

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How to Take Advantage of Christmas Music to Grow Your Ratings

December 26, 2017

‘Tis the season where the radio ratings landscape in most PPM markets experiences a dramatic shift. Thanks to the incessant drumming of Christmas music (usually) one station jumps to the top of the heap and wreaks havoc on the rest of the market. This has been going on long enough that we no longer marvel at the swift change in the ratings hierarchy.

The perennial question is how to handle the aftermath.

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Digital Advertising – Targetable but do advertisers get what they are paying for?

December 15, 2017

We’re all familiar with the huge year-over-year growth of digital advertising. Way beyond being a shiny new object, advertisers are placing significant portions of their budgets in the digital space. They cite targetability and trackability as major benefits of this medium. And they would be right.

But there are serious downsides with digital advertising.

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