Grow Your Underwriting
Grow Your Underwriting
Let your underwriters know the value of your station.
Aside from giving you all the information and expertise you need to understand your audience, Research Director, Inc. puts powerful tools into your development team’s hands to help them convey to underwriters the value of your sophisticated listeners.
It starts with underwriting materials that showcase your strengths.
Research Director’s SALES PACKAGE gives your team the quantitative and qualitative collateral material they need to move potential underwriters to action, including strategies specific to your station and one-sheets you can use right out of the box. But maybe you need an irresistible special presentation for a particular underwriter. Research Director will create that, too, faster than you’d believe, ready to go, complete with your own branding. We can also showcase your digital audience to monetize your digital inventory. All you have to do is ask.
Training makes it work.
It’s not enough to have the best information; your team has to be trained how to use it effectively. Research Director takes the time to train your development people, so underwriters can count on them to know how to reach a particular market.
- Your development team spending more time in front of underwriters and less time in front of their computers
- Having all the information you need to be a trusted marketing resource for your underwriters
- Access to the research-based materials you need to encourage important underwriters to act
Don’t just imagine it. A single commitment from a major underwriter can pay for Research Director’s services throughout the year. Let us help you do it.